Final 7
Feb 8, 2012 14:57:28 GMT -5
Post by Ben "Benry" Henry on Feb 8, 2012 14:57:28 GMT -5
Ugh, this sucks! Now the door is completely open for Jill/Jane/Shannon/Brenda to happen, which if they are smart, they definitely should go for. at least for one round. I need to do what I can to make sure they boot Yve or something, then flip back to me/Kelly S. I think that would be the best case scenario if they go for that.
Anyway, I'm more pissed Alina went. Not for any...reason of me liking her, but I know that Kelly S and I were closer to each other than her which she was unaware of, and I also know that she was SUCH a jury goat. No one wanted to see her win, she was always a bigger threat than me, and me/her/Kelly S final 3 I think they game was right in my hands. Oh well, gotta handle this blow, and move on!
Final 7
Feb 9, 2012 23:04:01 GMT -5
Post by Ben "Benry" Henry on Feb 9, 2012 23:04:01 GMT -5
Jill let me know that Brenda/Jane indeed did approach her for a deal to take out Yve/Kelly S.
I can't imagine that i wasn't actually listed on that list, but at this point I need to kind of let it happen for a few reasons. First of all...jury stacking. If Yve/Kelly S are on the jury, I think I'll have that jury vote.
Furthermore, if it's not me, that's good because they really should go for Jane/Brenda's deal, and probably are worried me/yve/kelly s. are a threesome, so as long as I can somewhat control my fate even in the minority, and convince Jill that I WANT her to go for this deal, because it puts HER in a good position as if I CARE for her, then I'm okay with not being in power.
Honestly, so much about this game isn't about controlling the game and calling every shot the way Alina thought it was. This game is about not being that main target the way she was, not being the person who is flipping back and forth the way she was, and not EVEN always being in the apparent majority. Right now, if I think I can do what I believe is possible in the manipulation of Jane/Brenda and Jill/Shannon respectively, I think I put myself in an extremely powerful position going into the final 5.
I did try to convince Jill that maybe her/I/Shannon could make a bold move Final 6 when Brenda/Jane would think they still have the power (cause who knows if Yve/Kelly S whoever is left will win immunity...I MUST plan ahead and start laying down tracks), so we'll see if they go for it.
In any case, I think I'm doing a good job right now. With Alina gone there isn't that person I can take to the finals that everyone hates, and now I might have to lose Kelly S who is a perfect "I did more than HER" finalist to be beside, but like I said, I'm playing this game on a few layers.
I've been reinforcing my relationship with Jill through out this game, and I even spoke to Shannon like he mattered Final 10 and 9, so that should hopefully come back to me in a positive way, especially since I assisted Jill/Shannon in sticking around Final 9, threw a challenge when they were on the other tribe Final 8, and am not in as obvious a pair as Jane/Brenda are.
So overall...I think people are thinking they have me down. But, longterm...I think they are going to be stacking that jury for me to still have a pretty nice shot at this game. Once again, I'm very much in the know while people think they have this game locked, so I just need to hope that I can continue to sneakily keep myself off the radar, keep other people on the radar, and ultimately grab people to vote the way they need to vote right when I need them to continue on in this game, exactly how I dodged the vote off me during the Dan vote, how I convinced Alina to trust me and others more than Kelly B, treated Brenda decently so she'd want to idol Alina...and hopefully continue to now manipulate new relationships people aren't expecting me to have to keep other names on the ballot and mine far from it.
It's gonna only keep getting harder as options narrow, and paranoia rises, but I just have to do my best.
Final 7
Feb 10, 2012 1:57:33 GMT -5
Post by Ben "Benry" Henry on Feb 10, 2012 1:57:33 GMT -5
So, in case there was an eyebrow raise of confusion, my random meanness toward Alina was produced by thinking she doesn't respect me based on the last three rounds.
I think I have been wrong, so...I'm gonna hop off her case.
Alina <3.
Anyway, I'm gonna try to win now.
Final 7
Feb 10, 2012 21:48:45 GMT -5
Post by Ben "Benry" Henry on Feb 10, 2012 21:48:45 GMT -5
I won immunity again. *shrug*. We can't all be awesome.
Anyway, I think that right now it is in my best interest to win immunity, so I just WENT for it. I knew with that challenge, even with something like majority rules being a portion of it, the way that I am with the people in this game, I thought I could handle that aspect and decide if I want to go all the way with this challenge. It was so great, strategy was happening the WHOLE challenge.
The stab round Yve quickly told me that she won that reward and that she was using it....great! So I knew I could stab Yve and tell her that I didn't want to stab the other two, and then I knew that Jane would not show where she stood, and that Jill would not want to lose me as a contact. So I essentially stabbed Yve taking myself out of the equation and let them kill each other.
Then majority rules, since Jane has this stupid final 2 with me, I decided to tell her "FIRST EVERYTIME" and left that to that. And it worked out, Yve eventually defected and we moved on. She was stronger than Jane anyway, and Yve isn't in a position as far as I know to be pissed about anything.
And then I wrecked Jane cause I'm awesome.
Anyway, now with my triple vote...I think I'm going to put them all on Shannon. It just is the best thing for me to do in the game right now. If Jane/Brenda don't decide to team up against Yve/Kelly S, then me voting Shannon will be as I will tell Jill, me making sure that she is safer under the assumption that all the girls are splitting the votes between her and Shannon...some bullshit. I don't care right now.
I think Jane/Brenda might legitimately get though that Jill and Shannon are gonna be hard as hell to beat at the end of the game. I'm probably not gonna talk to Jane/Brenda too much this round though. They should legitimately be scared of Kelly S/Yve/I teaming up at final 5 and wiping them out, so if I allow them to take out Kelly S who has done nothing to the jury, or Yve who is playing a stronger more sturdy game than other players in the game, it leaves me in an okay spot where someone who will probably vote for me is out, and hopefully at that point, Jane and Brenda decide OH WOW, JILL/SHANNON ACTUALLY NEED TO GO NOW FINALLY.
But if Shannon gets taken out, that's peachy too. He needs to go, jury threat...and it's just not safe keeping those two skating on forward. I'm gonna make sure to justify my vote to Jane, and hopefully have control over the idol that she said she has...
Well, that's that! Interesting stuff...interesting stuff.